The eternal question: Is the Entrepreneur Born or Made?

Reflections on the Entrepreneur

In the Modern World it is common to find us with the example of characters who seem to have been born with a good star for business; I mean, they had an idea, they undertook it, they developed it, they succeeded and they became rich and famous; but on the other hand, it is also common to find characters who achieved success after many missteps and difficulties in undertaking their projects, the latter seem to have reached their goals only because they proposed it.

entrepreneurs standing

Faced with this reality, most people often ask themselves: is the entrepreneur born or made? Some people think that the entrepreneur is born with special talents that allow him to perform well in business, others consider that the entrepreneur is based on the circumstances and their effort and many others would say that perhaps the answer is at a midpoint between the two tendencies.

What forges the Entrepreneur?

The Entrepreneur is undoubtedly made based on the experiences, circumstances, effort, discipline and will that he has and acquires in the way of the realization of his projects. Probably the beliefs of many people make confusion about the subject, but we must know that success in Business (or in any other field of human activity) requires -among many other issues- perseverance, dedication, conviction, work and view. In the case of those who have achieved success (legitimately) in business, what happens is that most of the time their effort goes unnoticed by their peers, people fail to understand that the person had to strive to get the success of which he enjoys.

Sustain and spread the belief that the entrepreneur is born, distorts any attempt to achieve success by their own means for most people. This belief can create feelings of helplessness and inferiority with respect to people who achieve success by self. That's the kind of though makes the mediocre believe that he can excuse or justify itself for not achieving - in their purposes - the success it believe deserve. 

Justify the inactivity and lack of effort based on the belief that those who achieve success in their businesses do so because it was their destiny or were born with stars or have dowries that most people lack, is something totally despicable . This thinking is the reason why many political and thought ideologies advocate hatred against those who achieve success (especially economic) regardless of the manner in which such success has been achieved.

entrepreneur exposing

Given the root of the problem, it can be assured without a doubt, that those who think like that, only limit themselves to envy those who achieve success, without taking into account the effort and sacrifices of these people in order to achieve it. There is an old saying that "Grass always looks greener in the courtyard of the Neighbor", and it is true, people always believe that things are only difficult for them and if someone else reaches what they long (or seems to have ease for it), then they think that's because he has achieved it through bad means. In addition, the saying also denotes that many people always see their neighbor's situation better than their own, without realizing that (by action or omission) they are solely responsible for the situation they have.

The experts say that (even when many deny it) envy is the desire to see the person object of envy die, and although many people see it as a natural condition of the human being, it can also be considered a paralyzing fact which aims to justify a mentality of poverty and permanent mediocrity.

It should be noted that the idiosyncrasy of most of the underdeveloped countries (for one reason or another) is permeated by this type of beliefs and misconduct. On the other hand, the mentality and idiosyncrasy of developed countries denotes that they know and are aware that success can only be achieved through the values ​​of constant work, effort, willpower, coherence in purposes and discipline.

So, I emphasize that the entrepreneur is not born; the entrepreneur is it made. Both the success and the failure of our projects when undertaking will depend directly on the decisions that we have taken by action or omission. And a first basis to achieve success anytime and any circumstance is to hold the right beliefs, knowing the truth will set us free. Never forget it, everything is causality, nothing is chance.

Until next time!


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